We will be happy to answer your questions


420 Northern Blvd Suite 202, Great Neck, NY 11021


Phone number

Phone: 516-439-4269
Complaint: 934-222-4008

Business Hours

Mon.-Fri       9:00 AM  -5:30 PM
Important Information about the New York State Early Intervention Program. These services may be provided to children who have or are suspected of having a disability and are eligible based on NYSED and NYSDOH guidelines for eligibility. For Early Intervention, Referral to the LteCarePlus Inc. For Preschool services, refer to your local school district Committee on Preschool Special Education. All services provided for eligible children are funded through your local municipality and NYS, there is no out-of-pocket expense. Parents will, however, be expected to pay for the costs of any childcare. Based on an evaluation, the Municipality for Early Intervention and your District CPSE for preschool will determine the type of service, frequency, duration, location and provider of services. All treating therapists and teachers are appropriately licensed and/or certified according to the regulations of the NYSDOH and/or NYSED.
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