Early Intervention Services
What is Early Intervention Program (EIP)?
The New York State Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a public program funded by New York State and county governments for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Who can be eligible for service?
- 3 years and younger
- have a confirmed disability or established developmental delay, as defined by the State
What is the cost of the service?
- It is no cost to the family,but that health insurance may be accessed for reimbursement for early intervention services
What should I do to start service?
- If you live in NYC, you can call 311 to make a referral. Municipality will arrange for service providers, considering the individual needs of the child and family, to deliver authorized services. You may request that your initial service coordinator is from LTE Care Plus Inc.
- If you live in other part of New York State:A municipal Early Intervention Official (EIO) designated by the chief elected official of the municipality/county administers the Early Intervention Program locally. Contact your EIO for information about your local program or to refer a child. For information about the statewide program, contact the NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Early Intervention at (518) 473-7016 or e-mail beipub@health.ny.gov. Early Intervention Program Referral Form DOH-5775 English (PDF) ( it also comes in different languages)
- You can also call LTE Care Plus main line, and one of our staff will provide you the proper information and proper contact information.
What happens next?
- If your child is found eligible for the EIP, LTE Care Plus’s ISC will work with you to get through the whole process. All needed early intervention services must be authorized by the municipality, and it is a collaboration effort.
Once approved, where will service be provided?
Services are usually provided at Child’s home or local areas. However, if early intervention services are delivered in child care settings or community locations that require a fee, you are responsible for paying any associated costs with such access to child care or community locations.